Why the Irish in America Voted for President Trump

Joanne Higgins
6 min readDec 1, 2020

I was shocked when I saw my own cousin with a Trump Flag proudly displayed on her front lawn. The Flag was huge and billowing in the mid-western breeze and I sat there staring at my computer screen thinking ‘but you’re Irish and an immigrant.’ After all, Trump hates immigrants, doesn’t he?

According to the latest ICE Report of 2019 the US authorities deported 47 undocumented Irish in 2018 and 33 in 2019 that’s approx. 0.7% of the alleged 50,000 illegal Irish living throughout the US. There have been claims that Trump’s crackdown on immigration…



Joanne Higgins

Freelance journalist from Ireland writing about culture, politics, travel, social services and social justice. An aspiring profile writer.